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Keys To Effective Evangelism

Writer's picture: Pastor 'TosinPastor 'Tosin

Ephesians 4:11 Mark 16:15

Some are called to the office of an evangelist, but all Christ followers are instructed to evangelize. It is a responsibility of every follower of Jesus Christ. It is an instruction given by our Lord Jesus Christ to all Christians. Acts 10:42 Evangelism targets the soulsof men. The aim of it is to win people over to the Kingdom of God through the foolishness of preaching, application of wisdom, demonstration of spiritual gifts or powers and persuation.

Evangelism doesn't have to cost you money as an individual, the major requirements for it are God's leading and the giving of your time. Evangelism is a battle for the souls of men. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Evangelism is part of our Kingdom responsibility. Evangelism is part of the work of Jesus. Mark 1:38 It is God's will that we are effective in our evangelism. Luke 24:49 Evangelism is an earthly assignment we must carryout with passion. There is no evangelism in heaven,here on earth is where we need to make the most of the opportunity to reach souls for the Lord. 1 Timonthy 2:1-5 Evangelism is not just an act of soul winning,it is a reflection of our priority. Matthew 6:21 Evangelism reflects the heart and compassion of the one who is sharing the gospel with the lost. Mark 8:2

Why Should We Evangelize? 1) Evangelism is in line with Jesus's instruction to us to seek God's Kingdom. Matthew 6:33 2) We all know people or someone who doesn't have a relationship with God. 2 Thessalonians 3:2 3) Daily, there are people dying. Young and old. We should have some concern about where they spend their eternity. Revelations 21:8 4) It pleases God. It's God's will. Colossians 1:28 5) It is a productive use of time with eternal rewards. Ephesians 5:15,16 6) It is a direct command from Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15 7) It is part of the Father's business. John 4:34-38 What makes our witness or evangelism effective? 1) The Holy Spirit- the Spirit of God helps you to be an effective witness. He supplies the power, strength and inspiration to win souls Acts 1:8 2) Friendliness- a friendly person stands a better chance of creating opportunities to share the gospel with people. A friendly person has more friends. Knowing more people gives you a network of people to reach. Proverbs 18:24 3) Payer- involves God in our affairs. Prayer brings God unto the scene of our evangelism effort. Always pray before sharing the gospel. Matthew 6:6 4) Wisdom- is profittable to direct. Wisdom positions you to protect yourself when dealing with people. Wisdom guides you on what to say when evangelizing. Proverbs 16:20

What are the benefits of evangelism? 1) Evangelism helps people's faith grow.  When you evangelize you share the Word. Romans 10:17 2) Evangelism helps those who could potentially go to hell. Romans 10:14, Psalm 86:13 3) Evangelism brings God's commendation. Proverbs 11:30- God says those who win souls are wise. 4) Evangelismis an act or choice of obedience. Obedience brings God's blessings. Deuteronomy 28:1-13 5) Evangelism has eternal rewards. God promises, those who win souls will shine like stars forever. Daniel 12:3, Proverbs 11:30

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